Thursday, 31 January 2013

'Youth For Choice' blog launches today!

Our fabulous young volunteers have been busy working on a social media project and it’s finally here. Introducing the new ‘Youth For Choice’ Tumblr!

Our volunteers decided that it was about time for a youth-led blog in the UK which focuses on sexual health and reproductive rights. Young people giving other young people FACTUAL information about sex, pregnancy, abortion and related topics. All our bloggers are 16-25, and are contributing written blogs, photos and film clips from all over the country.

Here’s Kathryn, 19, on why she got involved with the project:

“I’m a firm believer in women having control over their own bodies and their reproductive rights – through contraception, abortion and other ways. I feel that people need to have choice over what they do with their body, and not be coerced or pressured into doing something because they feel it’s the right thing to do, or that they have no other option. And that’s why I’m excited to be involved in this Tumblr. Because one of the ways you help to give people choice is through sharing information with them, and I think this is especially important for young people, who might have a harder time getting access to quality information about sexual health and all the other stuff that goes with it. We might not be taken seriously, or be told both sides of the story when it comes to reproductive rights and sexual health. And when this happens, how are you supposed to make an informed choice about what’s going on with your own body? This is why I think this blog is going to be so good – it’ll give young people a good source of news and information about stuff that’s really important to us.”

 So please follow the Tumblr and share the link with your friends and colleagues!

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